Tollerton, North Yorkshire

Tollerton in North Yorkshire

September 2020

One resident asked about making South Back Lane into a one way road. This has been asked in the past and we were certain we had been told this was not possible.

However we decided to follow this up to ensure we had a full answer for our parishioners. The answer below was received on the 30th September.

This makes it clear that a one way system would only be considered if it was supported by all residents who would be affected by it and even then it has to go through an application process with no guarantee that it would succeed.


Dear Councillor Thompson

This matter has been raised previously but not in a formal manner. A one way system on South Back Lane Tollerton may prove unpopular with many of the residents who would be affected by it, particularly those nearer to Newton Road who would need to travel further just to reach their own homes. I anticipate there would also be differences of opinion over which was the most appropriate route and it is also very likely that vehicle speeds would increase because there is no opposing traffic. It is also reliant on residents and their visitors remembering the correct route when leaving their property. A one way system would need the support of all the residents who would be affected by it before it could be formally considered. 

Please be advised that there is statutory legal process before any such order can be made and there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

Kind regards

Graham Hind

Project Engineer

Area 2 – Thirsk Office | Thirsk Industrial Park,

York Road, Thirsk, YO7 3BX

Telephone: 01609 780 780

