Tollerton, North Yorkshire

Tollerton in North Yorkshire

Clerk to the Council:  Sandra Windross

11 Dunroyal Close, Helperby, York, YO61 2NH

Tel:  07843528339      Email:

Next meeting July 2nd 2024




Public attendence at meetings

Any member of the public is welcome to attend for any part (or all) of the Meeting. Indeed we would welcome more public participation - a public session is held at the start of the meeting to enable individuals to raise matters of concern.
Please note that meetings start promptly at 7.30pm so arrive late and you may miss the opportunity.
If you wish to raise a point, which does not relate to an item on that evening's agenda, you are free to do so. However, the council's discussion of the point might have to be delayed until a subsequent meeting, as the council is unable to make a decision binding 'in law (this is particularly relevant to financial decisions) unless a specific item is included on the agenda.

Members of the council are always willing to discuss topics put forward by the public. Our agenda is prepared about a week before the next council meeting so you will need to inform the Clerk or the Chairman about 10 days prior to the meeting. Although this might seem a long time in advance, the council is required by law to publicise its agenda at least three clear days before each meeting.

Once the public session is over, members of the public are not entitled to speak during the formal business of the council unless specifically invited to do so by the meeting chairman. In certain circumstances the public may be asked to leave the meeting, this is at the Chairman's discretion.

Tollerton Parish Boundary

tollerton parish

